Homework 0: Mint a Course NFT [100 points]

In this assignment, you will create your own Ethereum account and wallet. You will also learn to interact with a smart contract deployed on Ethereum’s Georli test network. When you’ve completed the assignment, you’ll get a Web3 Security Course Enrollment NFT!

Learning Goals:

In this assignment you will learn..

  1. The basics of ethereum accounts and wallets
  2. How to get test ETH from a faucet
  3. The basics of ethereum transactions
  4. How to interact with our existing deployed course smart contract using the Web3.js API


  1. Ethereum Account Documentation
  2. Ethereum Transaction Documentation
  3. Test ETH faucet
  4. MetaMask
  5. Etherscan
  6. The CIS700 HW0 Smart Contract
  7. Javsacript Web3 API
  8. SHA-256 Calculator
  9. Alchemy


1. Setting up your Ethereum wallet